Friday, 29 March 2013

Week 10 : Combination circuit

                                                      ..Assalamualaikum to all reader...

After done our troubleshooting for our circuits,now we are going to combine our circuit in this week. The picture below shown our circuit combination process. We hope that our circuit will function as far as possible. Wish me luck!

This time we get one trouble because we want do the combination to ic timer but after we truobleshoot. The led still not funtion very well..

But we will try do the best for our Final Year Project until two circuit function with very well..
May Allah bless Us Insyalllah amin..^_^..

Friday, 15 March 2013

Week 9 : Trobleshooting circuit

Looking nice after we rub with sand paper.

After we eching go the next step is troubleshoot..

At the early time we do the troubleshoot because is not operate but after we doing many time and we get detect the trouble. soldering to LED is not tidy circuit path blocked.

And Alhamdulilah finally we get the solution we can solve the problem very well for ultrasonic motion..^_^..

 Thank you a lot to everyone family,our friends exspecially to advisor madam naszariah because helps support to us.^_^..

Friday, 8 March 2013

Week 8 : Contruct Housing and Circuit..

                                                      ... ASSALAMUALAIKUM...
            For this week, my partner and I was starts doing our circuit construction.Firstly we need to design mini housing and  we need also to construct it on the breadboard first in order to make a testing to make sure the circuit will be function smoothly.

1.Design Housing:


We just take from housing senior last semester and just only  modify and makeup until unique..^_^..

We also use any tools for design this houses,,

2. PCB circuit design

         firtsly we cut the pcb board follow the real size so easy to soldering component on board.Then, we doing step by step in hostel using the any tool what we have..

 We rub with sand paper remove bits of dirt on board. Then we print pcb on photopaper. best woo .

After that.we rub the pcb board with iron until stick.

And finally, we doing the eching pcb board ulthrasonic motion and circuit ic time..

Friday, 1 March 2013

Week 7: Circuit Design

      This week, we have doing a pre-label of our circuits. we start with a description for our project's block diagram. The picture that we have upload below is our block diagram. we combined two circuit Ultra Sonic motion and Ic timer..

Block Diagram

                Reffering the data sheet we using the filter to analyzed the wave signal that being receive by the ultrasonic receiver circuit.Then Op-Amp- was used to amplify the current from the filter.Relay received output current from Op-Amp and react as alarm circuit switch to on ar off.After that, HEX Inverter -reflected wave was detected and receives by the ultrasonic sensor receiver. 40KHz crystal- was generated by the 40 kHz crystal with the help of the HEX Inverter.

              To produce the output, we have a little bit of problem, we had a confuse either we want to produce our output using speaker police siren or any others speaker. So for the output, we need to hold it process first, and we will decide it after having a discussion with our supervisor, Madam Naszariah. and her told to us the important is not in force we must understand that our projects do..